How do I invite app advertisers to bid directly for my audience?

Last updated:

There are several ways to attract more app advertisers, to buy directly from you.

I. Send more traffic to the Appnext-powered app offers.

This way, you will increase the number of active campaigns running on your properties. As a result, you will appear on the radar of a wider array of Appnext advertisers, who are likely to open Direct-Buy campaigns for top performing partners.

II. Promote your mobile assets, within the Appnext platform:

  1. Pitch your app at the Appnext community, sharing your App ID, major GEOs, and other details; no. of downloads, demographics, etc.
  2. Apply to be featured on the Appnext Market.

III. Manage your Direct sales outside of the Appnext platform.

Your direct partners can open designated campaigns for your properties, by searching for your unique App ID in the "Campaign Targeting" field during the "Add Campaign" process. In this way, you can encourage more app advertisers to buy directly from you, by sharing and promoting your Appnext ID.

Here are just a few ideas:

  1. Place your Appnext App ID on your app’s GooglePlay page, inviting the interested advertisers to open a campaign.
  2. Include the “Advertise” directory to your website or landing page, sharing your Appnext App ID for Direct-Buy campaigns.
  3. Share your Appnext App ID on the developers' forums, and in communities where you are active.
  4. Add your Appnext App ID to the details on  your business card, to have it instantly shared with your partners, at meetings and conferences.
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