Appnext Macros

Last updated:

Here are the list of Appnext Macros:

Macro Description
xapnt1x Click ID
xapnt1x VTA Click ID (for impression URL)
xapnt6x GAID
xapnt6x IDFA
xapnt16x Appnext Publisher ID
xapnt17x Appnext Publisher App ID
xapnt21x Appnext Publisher App Name
xapnt20x Sub Publisher ID - The value being passed by the publisher (can change in format and length)
xapnt5x Click IP
{apnt_anpackage} Android Publisher app package. If the publisher is a website we passed the encoded referral URL ("www" included)
{apnt_iosid} iOS publisher app id (store ID). If the publisher is a website we passed the encoded referral URL ("www" included)
{apnt_bid} Campaign’s bid
{apnt_bidcurr} Bid currency 
{apnt_pricingmod} Pricing model (CPI/CPC/CPA)
{apnt_campname} Appnext Campaign Name
{apnt_campid} Appnext Campaign ID
{apnt_crtname} Appnext Creative Name
{apnt_crtid} Appnext Creative ID (Banner ID)
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