Kochava integration with Appnext

Last updated:

Kochava-Certified Postbacks allow Kochava users to send a real-time feed of installs and in-app events to Appnext. The endpoints and parameters included in these postbacks are defined within the integration, and managed by Kochava in conjunction with each specific partner. The Kochava-Certified Postback is the easiest way to establish a postback and should be used as the default method.


Create a New Postback Configuration

  1. Log in to Kochava.
  2. Select the desired Account and App.
  3. Select Apps & Assets > Partner Configuration.


  1. Click Add a Configuration.
  2. Select Appnext in the Media Partner drop down.
  3. Click Go.



Edit Postback

  1. For an Install Event Postback, Click Install > Postback Tools () > Edit.
  2. For Post-Install Active Events, locate the desired event and Click Edit Postback.


  • Click to edit Install Postback
  • Locate to desired Event and Click Edit Postback.


       3. Enter the Package Name (Android). 



       4. Select a Delivery Delay (Choose Realtime Delivery).



      5. Select Retry Attempts.

  • NOTE: The Retry Attempts determines the number of times Kochava will attempt to redeliver an event postback upon posting failure. Retry Attempts can be set from Do Not Retry to up to 10 attempts.


    6. Select the Delivery Method.

 The Delivery Method determines whether Appnext will receive all events/installs or only   those for which Appnext have won attribution.



If you have further question, feel free to reach out to integration@appnext.com


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